Muscle Testing
Muscle Testing is simple a simple and effective way to ask your body simple yes/no questions and get clear immediate answers.
Your body uses an Autonomic Control System (ACS) to unconsciously control all body functions needed to keep us alive and well. There are 50 trillion cells this system controls. While our conscious mind is mostly oblivious to these energies, our subconscious minds are intimately connected to and affected by them. It’s like a telephone to the subconscious mind; Muscle Testing and EFT techniques can access our body wisdom and emotional energy systems to reduce the charge of uncertainty and clear our path to a happier life.
By working with both these modalities you can begin to untie emotional knots that have been hanging around so long they feel normal. We all have limiting beliefs that feel like the truth to our conscious mind. Muscle Testing can identify these beliefs; EFT can reduce their hold on our lives.